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Technical Secretariat & Governance

The Technical Secretariat is the guiding body that is developing the PEF Category Rules (PEFCR) for the apparel & footwear industry. It is made up of representatives of various stakeholders including brands (about 50% of the European market) from the fibre and textile sectors, NGOs, scientific experts, and governments to ensure different considerations in the decision-making process.

Active since December 2019, the Technical Secretariat has been developing robust, science-based calculation rules that detail the PEF methodology for
13 apparel & footwear product subcategories.

To ensure transparency and validate its work:

The group is observed by the European Commission and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB)


The PEFCR is open to two public consultations


The PEFCR undergoes several expert reviews before being submitted


Decisions are mainly taken by consensus, and voting sessions are organised when necessary

The Technical Secretariat members share a common objective for consistent and science-based rules to facilitate future comparisons between products.

Members of the Technical Secretariat: 26 members

Technical Secretariat coordinator
Voting members
Non-voting members
Technical Lead
Technical Lead

Funding Agreements

Timeline and actions — an iterative process



The apparel & footwear project is selected by the European Commission and the Technical Secretariat is established

March 2020

Technical Secretariat kick-off


Summer of 2021

1st public consultation: 996 comments were integrated and/or answered

2022-2023*Supporting studies

Testing phase of the PEFCR on real products by companies



2nd public consultation


The Technical Advisory Board (TAB) and the EU sub-group (EU Member States) give recommendations to the European Commission on the apparel & footwear PEFCR



The European Commission adopts the apparel & footwear PEFCR, which can be used for future legislation. Brands and the industry would have to use this common framework to assess the environmental footprint of their products


The apparel & footwear project is selected by the European Commission and the Technical Secretariat is established

March 2020

Technical Secretariat kick-off

Summer of 2021

Technical Secretariat kick-off

2022 Supporting studies

Technical Secretariat kick-off


2nd public consultation


The Technical Advisory Board (TAB) and the EU sub-group (EU Member States) give recommendations to the European Commission on the apparel & footwear PEFCR


The European Commission adopts the apparel & footwear PEFCR, which can be used for future legislation. Brands and the industry would have to use this common framework to assess the environmental footprint of their products

The Technical Secretariat develops the rules
The European Commission has the final decision in adopting the rules

Contribute to the development of the apparel & footwear PEFCR

Public stakeholder engagement is critical for a robust PEFCR development process

Stakeholders, brands, suppliers, civil society, policymakers, and institutions are invited to read and/or comment on the PEFCR to ensure the credibility and transparency of the process. Answers are provided for each comment, and the PEFCR is amended as required.

To participate in the public consultations

1. Read up on the PEFCR
– go to the official EU page and download the PEFCR draft document here
2. Provide comments using the European Commission ECAS systems – this is an important step to ensure transparency of stakeholder participation
If you DO NOT already have the required ECAS account, follow the instructions here

The link will take you through a simple 3-step process:

Create an account to participate. For information on how, see here

Complete the double authentication process

You are ready to contribute

Support the PEFCR

Brands, suppliers, civil society

Participate in the public consultation. You can also reach out to us directly for any further questions.

Policymakers or institutions

Explain what is behind the apparel & footwear PEFCR methodology and the added value for the industry.


Make more informed purchasing decisions and continue to encourage more transparency towards the brands.

*Dates might change
*Dates might change